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As a UX Designer, I developed a food delivery service application on my very own interest

which is LOFOOD (Love + Food) completely considering user requirements and their convenient.


Problem: Unfortunately there is no food delivery application that actually works and serves the food in rural

and remote areas because of the reason that they are located far away 

from the cities.


Goal: To create a food delivery application that can work and deliver food even in rural and remote areas   

by connecting all the hotels and restaurants with the customers that are 

located in the rural and remote areas.


Business Benefits: Lofood connects restaurants and the people in the rural area which results in mutual        

benefits where the restaurant gets their customers and orders and also the customer

gets their service and food on time.


My Role: My role here is understanding the product requirements and the problems of the users that they   

face while using the application and to make their painpoints as a document. Followed

by product mapping and user research. Then comes designing, sketching,

wireframing and prototyping.


User Research: User research done focusing on understanding user behaviors, needs and their vision through

interviews, surveys, usability evaluation and feedback methodologies.

It is done for better understanding of how people interact with product

and evaluate whether design solutions meet their needs.


Design Iterations: Design iteration process done continuously by checking, prototyping, testing, analyzing    

and redefining the product. Based on the results of testing the most

recent iteration of the design, changes and refinements are made.


Challenges faced: The problem i faced during designing is not designing the product in the right order        

which costed me some extra time and energy. There is a proper step by step procedure

and process in designing like which should be done at first and which can be

done later. Without knowing this proper procedure one might end up in

starting the whole designing process from the beginning once again.


Final Product: LOFOOD is a food delivery application made to solve the problem of no food delivery service

availability in rural and remote areas by connecting all the restaurants and hotels

with the people living in rural area.


Lessons learned: The lessons i learned while designing LOFOOD is to know the procedure and steps for       

designing properly before designing a product so that we can spend less time in

editing and also we can avoid redesigning the entire product once again.

Also i learned to know user requirements and needs properly before designing so

  that i can full fill the needs of the user completely avoiding the complications

that raises during editing and fixing also avoiding the need of redesigning

the whole product once again.



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